Growing Musicians LLC

Cumming First United Methodist Church

In every Kindermusik® class, you’re welcomed into a playful and nurturing environment where your child will experience music of varying styles, genres, and cultures. They’ll interact with other children and engage in movement, rhythm, and vocal activities that develop far more than just music skills. Our approach to early childhood education and award-winning, research-based, and developmentally appropriate curricula prime children for success in school and in life.


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Kindermusik Classes

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Kindermusik Playdates

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Our Policy

Billing Information

This year Growing Musicians LLC offers two semesters of Kindermusik classes. Upon enrollment, each student will be charged a $10 registration fee. Payments may be paid in full or in monthly installments of $65, ($55 each sibling enrolled) -- 3 installments during the fall semester and 4 installments during the spring semester. Cost includes all classes and 24/7 access to Kindermusik’s online library while actively enrolled. There will be no additional required fees.

Mid-month enrollments will be prorated. Please note that the number of in-person classes may vary per month (e.g., some months there will be 5 classes, some, 4, and others 3) due to holidays observed, etc.

Separate from weekly classes, various Kindermusik Playdates may be held. In-person Kindermusik Playdates will be charged a one-time, $18 per child fee. Siblings will be charged $12 for each Playdate.

Sibling Pricing

• Siblings enrolled in the same or a separate class will receive a reduced rate of $55 per month.

• In Mixed-Age classes, siblings under the age of 6 months, who stay contented in a baby carrier/sling/stroller, will be allowed to attend the same class with older sibling for free. Non-enrolled siblings will not be able to participate. Emergency exceptions will be considered.

Withdrawal Information

To withdraw from weekly classes, please request a Withdrawal Form. Complete and submit the form before the first of the month to avoid being charged for the next month’s classes. You will not be charged monthly for classes once the Withdrawal Form is submitted. If you paid for the season in full, you will be refunded any outstanding months’ classes.

Missed Classes

Actively enrolled families are provided with access to Kindermusik’s library of digital music and more via the Kindermusik app, so students are able to continue their unit at home when a class is missed. No refunds, discounts, or credits are given for missed weekly classes or Playdates. If you miss a weekly class, an in-person or virtual make-up class may be available, but cannot be guaranteed. Please e-mail to inquire about availability.

Make-Up Classes

If you miss a weekly class, an in-person or virtual make-up class may be available, but cannot be guaranteed. Make-up classes must be made up within the same session you are enrolled. Walk-in make-ups are not available due to the potential for overcrowding. Please e-mail to inquire about availability.

(Note: If a teacher cancels a class due to illness, inclement weather, or unexpected emergency, every effort will be made to reschedule the class in an in-person class or virtual format.)

Health & Safety

Please keep child(ren) home if they and/or their parent/caregiver are sick. A good guideline to follow is to be fever-free and vomit-free for 24 hours, and for a nose not to be running with anything other than clear. It is VERY common for babies and toddlers to have runny noses due to teething. It is VERY hard to distinguish that from being sick. [Note: Growing Musicians follows all CDC, Georgia Department of Health, and host location(s)’ guidelines and policies related to Covid-19.] It is your responsibility to ensure your child plays and participates in a safe manner during class.

Enrollment with Growing Musicians includes:

• Easy, convenient enrollment and billing

• Access to a digital library of age-appropriate music and e-books, including all the music from class and more via the Kindermusik app – Use this wealth of resources to continue your child’s musical learning fun at home or on-the-go!

• Regular communication of tips and resources

• Ideas in class to encourage more music, play, and fun at home

• Special discounts on Kindermusik Birthday Parties

• Music-and-movement experiences that will create lasting, positive memories for you and your child, and will prepare them for future private music lessons

• Join a community of other music-minded families who want the best for their child

Participation Waiver

The undersigned hereby release, waive, discharge and covenant not to sue Growing Musicians LLC; Cumming First United Methodist Church; any subdivision of the aforementioned entities or their officers, personally or professionally, from and for any liability resulting from any personal injury, accident or illness (including but not limited to Covid-19,) and/or property loss, however caused, arising from, or in any way related to, participant’s participation in the Growing Musicians platform of events and classes. Participants hereby assume all risks and parent/guardians/caregivers are responsible for their child(ren)'s behavior, actions, and the consequences thereof at all times while on the premises of Cumming First United Methodist Church or any other alternate location serving as host for a Growing Musicians LLC event.